The exam looked reasonably fair and there were a range of good essay questions which I think most of you were prepared for. The only gripe would be over the graph in the resources which was a bit 'iffy' in its presentation.
Thanks for the really enjoyable year. I have had a great time teaching both classes this year and I'd like to thank those of you who came on the trip to the Taranaki which was excellent.
Thanks to Anna Emma and Rachel for the mug. I can't promise to smile any more often for the 2009 intake. Good luck to everyone and best wishes. Have a good Christmas.
Yeah I was pleased with the questions in the end. The abundant late period (1870+) questions were perfect! I did find that graph a bit hard - it's always a bit dodgy interpreting a percentage graph rather than actual numbers. Like an industry could be growing, but the graph could show it stable because relative to the others it hasn't changed.
ReplyDeleteThanks for being such an awesome teacher (ie best ever)! You've really kindled my interest in History, which I hope to take at Vic next year. And the History trip was the best school experience of this year! Keep up the good work Mumma H!