Sunday 23 November 2008

Exams on Tuesday

Its nice to see some essays coming in. Its getting very late so I'll just offer some advice on the 3 standards.

Begin by Reading the Essays and choosing your question.

Start with the Resources because you may find resources applicable to your essay questions...

Resources - There wil be 6 questions A to F. They are usually paired as A&B, C&D and E&F. You need to reach "achieved" in one of each of the pairs to get achieved overall. The same for Merit or Excellence. This means you must attempt at least three questions... and pass them. There are no shortcuts, I'd suggest you attempt ALL six.

Essays must always having a beginning, a middle and an end.... introduction, body and conclusion. Paragraphs must have a statement, an explanation and an example where applicable.

By now you should have looked at the last 4 exams and chosen a period which you are comfortable...

Could those who have chosen the contact period please remember to differentiate between Ocean and Shore whalers... and don't go overboard on the Explorers apart from the fact that they 'found' NZ and made Europe aware of its potential..

Situations - this essay needs you to describe a "situations" context (the situation at the start of the period under discusssion). You must then describe changes that occurred over time and their effects on people.

Decisions - this essay expacts you to desribe WHY a decision was made, (a little about how the decision was carried out - avoiding the narrative trap) and the Outcome of this decision.

The last piece of advice is to:
  1. READ the question.
  2. IDENTIFY the important parts of the question, especially dates.
  3. PLAN your answer with supporting evidence
  4. NUMBER your points in order


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