For both us the highlight was the Sap and Pa at Pukerangiora which really brought home the Waitara conflict to us and far better than seeing the same site on Belichs video had.
Nothing against Belichs series but it was cool to actually stand in the Sap or even better to look down on the Sap from the top of the Pa.
Its not often you see so many 18 years old so quickly loose their inhibitions and turn into 8 year olds.
Apart from Seeing 'Sue', Puke Ariki was a disappointment as was missing some of the other sites because of poor signposting. Bugger. (Tauranga Ika, Parihaka, Kohia Pa)
It does look like next year will deinitely be a 4 day expedition to give us the time to explore the region properly.
I plan to try and turn the pictures into a photostory and will post the video upto youtube soon.
Have great holiday.
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