Wednesday 8 February 2012


After several years of teaching the level 3 class I am taking over the Level 2 class and introducing the new curriculum to the ourse.

Its been an interesting 5 years,with 300 odd posts(I admit many recycled from year to year) but this apparently helped almost 30,000 visitors over 5 years. The 2007 posts alone ran to 51 pages of a word document totaling 22,500 words.

I hope you continue to find these entries useful.

I will continue to reply to comments (Phoenix!) but there will be no more posts for the foreseeable future.


Friday 16 September 2011

Eating the Dog

Hopefully we will be able to organise a trip to Te Radars show: Eating the Dog

I saw it last year and it is brilliant. Hopefully we will be able to organise a trip to the show on Saturday 24th September at Downstage

Friday 9 September 2011


One of my students tells me his mates at MAGS in Auckland have found this site useful! Glad to hear it boys(and girls). Mister Bean is old but still entertaining. Enjoy. There are some useful Exam links below.

Have you been to NZQA and checked out the old exams and exemplars OR the Exam Reports and Marking Schedules?

Mr Bean on Being Prepared.

On Reading the Instructions!